Welcome to Inner Growth
Inner Growth promotes a more balanced and fulfilling life for INDIVIDUALS, as well as a healthy and sustainable business growth for COMPANIES.
All that with the help of mindfulness – a scientifically proven personal development tool; and a holistic approach to wellbeing – taking care of our mind, body and soul.
"The most profound changes start inside of you"
Ela Kolodziej, founder of Inner Growth

About the Founder
Inner Growth was founded in 2013, in Malmö (Sweden), with the main purpose of improving the welfare of people and of companies thanks to a regular mindfulness practice.
Over the years, the concept of Inner Growth grew bigger to now include the holistic approach to wellbeing of individuals and businesses with:
- Mindfulness
- Quality Massage services
- Individual and group Retreats
- Zen Coaching
- Personal Development Workshops
- Alternative treatments like Rebirthing breathwork
- New Cranial System technique
- Special Events
Mindfulness, Zen Coaching and Rebirthing Breathwork are great tools that boost our awareness and help us in reconnecting with ourselves, while Holistic Massage and New Cranial System technique support us in deep relaxation and restoring our natural balance.
So, if you want to start your inner journey of personal growth or already are on the path, yet you would like to get professional support, at Inner Growth we have the right tools.
From 2021, Ela Kolodziej after moving to her dreamed destination – Málaga in Spain, is offering her services in this region, and online, bringing the benefits of mindfulness, zen coaching and holistic well-being to companies and to individuals – for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Inner Growth for Individuals
At Inner Growth we have a holistic approach to wellbeing, and we support our clients reconnecting with their inner wisdom and empowering them to take responsibility of their own welfare, providing them variety of effective tools, treatments and retreats possibilities.
Check here to see our services for individuals, taking care of the Mind, Body and Soul.
You can also have a look at our Retreats offer – for individuals, couples or groups.

Inner Growth for Companies
At Inner Growth we inspire companies to boost their results in a balanced manner – increasing productivity and reducing stress of their employees to improve the overall well-being of people and the business in the long run.
Our strengths lie in:
- delivering high impact mindfulness services for your business
- measuring the concrete results of your mindfulness investment (ROI)
- mindfulness instructor and teacher with international business experience
Check here to see our complete business offer of Mindfulness, Quality Massages, Business workshops and individual Zen Coaching.
We are happy to cooperate with companies that are serious about their mindfulness investment and that are motivated to obtain a long-term improvement.
Contact us if you think like us, that people are the most important resource at your company. Do not wait until they get sick – act preventative against stress and negative working environment.
Our Mission:
Why are we here?
We want to bring the benefits of mindfulness and holistic approach to individuals and to corporate world, for increased productivity and well-being of people; therefore, better results for the business in the long run.

Our values in relation to our customers
- Contribution – creating a concrete value for the individual and for the company, and whenever feasible – measuring it.
- Customer Satisfaction – being professional, respectful and customer-focused, delivering high quality services that fulfil or exceed the expectations.
- Cooperation and Care – truly listening to our customers, being flexible and finding the best suited solution to provide the right support and satisfy their needs.