Introduction to Mindfulness

Experience the deep relaxation!

Are you or your employees experiencing too much stress, difficulties to focus, low performance or sleeping problems?

Then it’s time to act – you can start with this engaging 1 to 1,5 hours Mindfulness workshop, where they will learn the basics of this simple scientific tool that helps dealing with stress, sharpens the focus and makes it easier to relax and feel well again.

What does it consist of?

In an engaging and interactive way, they will learn:

They will also get the information about the 8 weeks Mindfulness Program they can sign up for to become an independent mindfulness practitioner and experience the actual long-term benefits in their life.


For whom? 

Private persons and employees.
No pre-knowledge required.

Date & Time

Contact us to agree the date



Your office space, Malaga region

About the teacher

Ela Kolodziej, qualified Mindfulness Instructor certified in Zen Coaching and Rebirthing, is passionate about human potential.

After years of international career in business, she got interested in the area of profound personal development and holistic health.

Since 2012, she has done various meditation courses, massage and coaching trainings in Sweden, India and Spain, and is committed to daily practice. 

She founded Inner Growth in Malmö, Sweden in 2013 and conducts group workshops as well as individual treatments, bringing the benefits of holistic wellbeing and mindfulness to companies and to individuals – for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

From 2021, after moving to her dreamed destination – Málaga in Spain, she is offering her services in this region, and online.

While working with groups and individual clients, she has at her disposal a broad spectrum of tools she has learnt during the years of personal development courses and therapy trainings she has done and practiced on herself in her own profound inner journey, as well as with her clients, among others:

  • Mindfulness Instructor training; in 2014, Sweden
  • Art of Living Meditation technique; in 2012, India
  • Vipassana 10 days silent Meditation Retreat, in 2014, Sweden
  • Rebirthing and Breathwork training (1 year) and Assistance (+1 years); in 2021-23, Spain
  • Zen Coaching training (1 year), as well as Teacher’s Training (+1 year); in 2012-14, Sweden
  • Various Massage courses, from 2021 onwards, Spain
  • Reiki – level 1 in 2023, Spain; and level 2 in 2024, Spain
  • Various trainings withing New Cranial System technique, learning to treat addictions, bodily pains and tensions, and emotional unrest, supporting individual in coming back to our natural state of well-being; in 2023, Spain

Welcome to your enriching inner journey together!