New Cranial System (NCS)

What is it?

New Cranial System (NCS) is a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment technique that helps to bring back the natural balance of our system and our vital energy, as well as supports the healing of physical, emotional and mental problems.

It is born from points inspired by different traditions and microsystems (acupuncture, meridians, Chinese medicine), plus points discovered by the creator of this technique (Francisco Lucena Paniagua), worked on and developed throughout his more than 25 years of experience treating patients from the different microsystems of modern acupuncture.


It is based on an abdominal and/or cranial diagnosis to locate possible blockages (“short circuits” of our nervous system), which we have been accumulating in our system since we were conceived, and that caused us some kind of imbalance on a physical, emotional, and/or mental level.
Once the blockages are detected, we treat the appropriate points to correct them, using the light therapy with chromotherapy pen. The body is receiving and integrating the light wave that it was missing to gradually restore back the balance.

Also, the use of Bach Flowers corresponding to clients’ Natal Pattern may be recommended to them after the treatment.

How does it work?

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Everything that ever happened in our life from the intrauterine period, infancy, early childhood, adolescence and until now has been stored in our system and has had an impact on us and can still have. There are attitudes, ideas about life and habits that makes us who we are today, but also old patterns, conditioning and limiting beliefs that don’t serve us anymore. 

Whenever we went through some challenging experience, that was just too much for us to take and process, it created, to put it symbolically “a short circuit” in our nervous system – the energy and information there is getting blocked partly or totally, causing various types of problems:

The New Cranial System helps to locate those short circuits and treat them with chromotherapy pen, without a need of re-living the experience (as anyway often we don’t even remember it, like e.g. many early childhood memories).

It is a simple and non-invasive way to support yourself in your healing process and in improving your overall wellbeing.

Benefits - what can it help me with?

This technique has various protocols adjusted to particular situation of the client; it is so comprehensive that it can help with variety of issues. Below, there are just a few examples:

NCS helps us balance our Nervous System, and as a result making us feel better – more inner peace, clarity and overall life satisfaction.

NCS for Dealing with the Addictions

For people with addiction problem, it can also help create distance between them and their compulsion, allowing them to make new choices.

Dependently on what type of addiction it is, we will treat corresponding points of the body, gradually making it easier for the person to break free from their detrimental habit and gaining back the feeling of control over their lives.

NCS Sessions and Suggested Cycle

Since every person is different and have different life baggage and life/health circumstances, there is no 100% set protocol that fits them all in NCS. Here we treat individuals, and not the illnesses.

The general recommendation is to take between 3 to 5 regular sessions (e.g. once a week) to notice major improvement in how we feel, re-establishing the balance in our system, and then integrating the feeling of wellbeing in our body, mind and soul.

After that, for people interested in their health and personal development, it is recommended to take “a maintenance” session once a month.

A typical session lasts between 55 – 85 min, where we work on:

Sometimes you may notice big results already after the first session (diminution of the pain, or feeling lighter emotionally or physically), other times it may need various sessions for your system to re-adjust and for you to clearly notice a positive difference in how you feel in general and in your attitude towards life.


60€ for a session (between 55-85min)

NCS sessions are done at our Inner Growth Center in Montes de Málaga (10 min by car from Málaga city) placed in nature; and with a beautiful view.

The pick-up/drop-off is available from Ziklo Restaurant in the city, for extra 10€ in total (both ways included)

Cancellation Policy

  • Up to 24 hours before the scheduled session it is free of charge
  • Less than 24 hours before the session, the 50% of the price is charged for the last-minute changes and the negative consequences of that


There are no major contraindications as the technique is pretty non-invasive, however, I personally am not an expert in working with people suffering from major mental illness (schizophrenia, severe depression, etc.), so for their best I suggest contacting a specialist in that.

About Ela Kolodziej

Ela Kolodziej, a qualified Mindfulness Instructor certified in New Cranial System and Zen Coaching, is passionate about human potential.

After years of international career in business, she got interested in the area of profound personal development and holistic health.

Since 2012, she has completed various personal development and meditation courses, as well as coaching and therapies trainings in Sweden, Spain and India; and ever since is dedicated to share her knowledge and experience for the well-being of the people.

While working with clients, she has at her disposal a broad spectrum of tools she has learnt during the years of personal development courses and therapy trainings she has done and practiced on herself in her own profound inner journey, as well as with her clients, among others:

  • Various trainings withing New Cranial System technique, learning to treat addictions, bodily pains and tensions, and emotional unrest, supporting individual in coming back to our natural state of well-being; in 2023, Spain
  • Rebirthing and Breathwork training (1 year) and Assistance (+1 years); in 2021-23, Spain
  • Zen Coaching training (1 year), as well as Teacher’s Training (+1 year); in 2012-14, Sweden
  • Mindfulness Instructor training; in 2014, Sweden
  • Art of Living Meditation technique; in 2012, India
  • Vipassana 10 days silent Meditation Retreat, in 2014, Sweden
  • Reiki – level 1 in 2023, Spain; and level 2 in 2024, Spain
  • Various Massage courses, from 2021 onwards, Spain

She founded Inner Growth in Malmö, Sweden in 2013 and from 2021, after moving to Málaga, Spain she is offering her services in this region, and online, bringing the benefits of mindfulness and conscious touch to individuals – for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Book your session

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You are very welcome to contact me to schedule your first NCS session or to sort out any questions or doubts you might have. I speak English, Spanish and Polish.


Ela Kolodziej

Certified in New Cranial System (NCS), Rebirthing and Zen Coaching

Mindfulness Instructor and Massage Therapist

Phone:     (+34) 604 129 013