Reconnection Retreat: Technology Detox & Time in Nature

1st-3rd of March 2024, Málaga region

Are you finding yourself addicted to technology?
Checking your phone too often and scrolling through Social Media for hours every day and feeling drained afterwards?
Are you longing for deeper connection with yourself and with others?
Spending some relaxing and nurturing time in nature with like-minded people?

During this weekend retreat we will leave our phones and computers behind for those 3 days, to reconnect with ourselves, nature and with the eternal Here and Now.

We will do daily meditation sessions in the morning, a nice hike in nature, a powerful Rebirthing Breathwork session, and evening group gathering to share our main insights from the day, learn from each other and cherish the new connections + optional dance liberation session or caring group massage with conscious touch to have a nice ending of Saturday.

We will also have some time to JUST BE, relax, rest, connect with nature or receive a quality holistic massage (for those who booked that option).

All that accompanied with healthy nurturing meals and quality time with like-minded people in nature.

At the end of this weekend, you shall feel rejuvenated and more present, also being more aware of your relationship to technology and the changes you want to make to balance it – for a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Retreat can be conducted in English, Spanish or Polish.

Estimated Flexible Schedule

This is the preliminary plan, as the most important is to flow with what the group needs and what can bring the most value.


17.00 – 18.00   Arrivals

18.00 – 19.00   Welcome, about the retreat and introduction of participants

19.00 – 20.30   Soft landing workshop – connecting with the present moment

20.30 – …         Dinner time


8.00 – 9.00      Morning meditation session, setting the intention for the day

9.00 – 10.30    Breakfast

11.00 – 14.00   Hike in nature

14.00 – 16.30   Lunch and free time (optional massage)

16.30 – 19.30   Rebirthing Breathwork session

19.30 – 21.00   Dinner

21.00 – 22.00   Evening gathering to share our main insights from the day

+ optional dance liberation session or group massage with conscious touch


8.00 – 9.00      Morning meditation session, setting the intention for the day

9.00 – 10.30    Breakfast

11.00 – 14.00   Deep active listening and Communication workshop

14.00 – 16.30   Lunch and free time (optional massage)

16.30 – 18.00   Sharing circle and farewell

Price and Promotion


350 € – normal price

300 € – Early Birds with payments until 1st of February 2024

400 € – Retreat and 55min Holistic Massage (limited spots)

350 € – Retreat with 55min Holistic Massage, Early Birds with payments until 1st of Feb 2024

Price includes:

  • Powerful workshops
  • Morning meditation sessions (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Hike in nature
  • Accommodation for 2 nights in a double room (write us a request if you want to be in a single room, this option is more expensive)
  • Full board healthy meals (starting from Friday dinner, until Sunday lunch)
  • Optional quality Holistic Massage of 55min (if that option booked in advance)

Sign up here

If you have any allergies or special dietary requirements, let us know in the “Sign up” form. We will do our best to accommodate your needs with a healthy diet provided.

About the Facilitator

Ela Kolodziej, a qualified Mindfulness Instructor certified in Zen Coaching and Rebirthing, is passionate about human potential.

After years of international career in business, she got interested in the area of profound personal development and holistic health.

Since 2012, she has completed various personal development and meditation courses, as well as coaching and therapies trainings in Sweden, Spain and India; and ever since is dedicated to share her knowledge, skills and experience for the well-being of people.

While working with individuals and groups, she has at her disposal a broad spectrum of tools she has learnt during the years of personal development courses and therapy trainings she has done and practiced in her own profound inner journey, as well as with her clients; among others:

  • Zen Coaching training (1 year), as well as Teacher’s Training (+1 year); in 2012-14, Sweden
  • Rebirthing and Breathwork training (1 year) and Assistance (+1 years); in 2021-23, Spain
  • Mindfulness Instructor training; in 2014, Sweden
  • Art of Living Meditation technique; in 2012, India
  • Vipassana 10 days silent Meditation Retreat, in 2014, Sweden
  • Various Massage courses, from 2021 onwards, Spain
  • Reiki – level 1 in 2023, Spain; and level 2 in 2024, Spain
  • Various trainings withing New Cranial System technique, learning to treat addictions, bodily pains and tensions, and emotional unrest, supporting individual in coming back to our natural state of well-being; in 2023, Spain

She founded Inner Growth in Malmö, Sweden in 2013 and from 2021, after moving to her dreamed destination – Málaga in Spain, she is offering her services in this region, and online, bringing the benefits of mindfulness, zen coaching, breathwork and holistic well-being to individuals and groups – for a more balanced and fulfilling life.