Events & Workshops

Learn, heal and meet like-hearted people on the path...

Every now and then, we are organizing special events or workshops, related to the area of personal development, yoga and meditation, breathwork, deep healing, ecstatic dancehealthy living or conscious people gatherings. Sometimes we also invite other teachers and masters in their matter to share their precious knowledge and gifts, e.g. tantra, rebirthing, yoga, sound journey.

Events and workshops can be conducted in English, Spanish or Polish.

Below, we are mentioning our current offer, and at the bottom of the page you can sign up for a specific event and/or for our “Well-Being with Inner Growth” WhatsApp group to be informed about coming events, workshops, special offers, as well as advices for a healthier life.

Life Purpose workshop

online or physically in Málaga

On this fun and interactive one-day workshop, we will look into some key facets of yourself to later on deep dive into what your calling is – what you shall be doing in this life to be more fulfilled and happier.

We will explore your values, your roles, your goals and dreams, your strengths and weaknesses, your natural gifts and your hobbies; to get a better picture on what your Life Purpose is and the steps you can take to start acting on it directly.

Workshop can be conducted in English or Spanish.

Duration: a whole day workshop 10.00 – 20.00 with lunch break


100 € – for workshop in Málaga

Healthy vegetarian lunch, snacks and drinks during the day are included on the physical workshop in Málaga.

88 €  – for online workshop


PlaceOnline or in person at Inner Growth Center in beautiful nature of Montes de Málaga, 10min by car from Málaga city (shared transport possible)

Rebirthing Breathwork workshop

physically in Málaga

Rebirthing is a simple yet powerful breathwork technique that helps in releasing emotional blockages and traumas deeply rooted in our subconscious. It also deals with our biggest limiting beliefs and gradually liberates us from them with the power of creative thinking.

On this 4-hour workshop we will:

  • do a little introduction to what Rebirthing and conscious connected breathing are
  • dive into our biggest limiting belief about ourselves and how to work around it to gradually liberate ourselves from it
  • do the powerful breathwork session
  • have a sharing circle to share our experience and insights and learn from each other

Workshop can be conducted in English or Spanish.

Very small group (max 8 people), so limited spots available.


4 hours from 10.00 – 14.00



50 € – for physical workshop in Málaga



Inner Growth Center in beautiful nature of Montes de Málaga,
10min by car from Málaga city (shared transport possible)

Introduction to Mindfulness

online or physically in Málaga

On this 1.5-hour Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop, you will learn in an engaging and interactive way:

  • What mindfulness is and you will experience what it actually means
  • The scientific benefits of regular practice
  • A simple mindful relaxation technique that will help you lowering the stress and staying more focused

You will also get the information about the 8-week Mindfulness Program that you can sign up for to become an independent mindfulness practitioner and experience the actual long-term benefits in your daily life.

It can also be done at your company upon an invitation.

Workshop can be conducted in English or Spanish.

Duration: 1.5 hour



22 € – for physical workshop in Málaga

15 €  – for online workshop


Place (for physical workshop):

All that enriched with healthy snack and drinks at Inner Growth Centre in beautiful nature of Montes de Málaga, 10 minutes from Málaga capital; or in another location within the city.

Zen Coaching deep connection gatherings

online or physically in Málaga

Soon we are planning to organize monthly 3-hour Zen Coaching gatherings for people that are longing for deep connection and for being truly listened to and seen.

We will be doing various exercises to practice deep active listening, empathy, communication skills, as well as awareness of the richness of the Here and Now moment by moment; creating together a safe and encouraging environment, where we can simply BE ourselves.

Duration: 3 hours


22 € – for physical Zen Coaching gathering in Málaga

15 €  – for online Zen Coaching gathering


Place (for physical workshop):

All that enriched with healthy snack and drinks at Inner Growth Centre in beautiful nature of Montes de Málaga, 10 minutes from Málaga capital; or in another location within the city.

Interested? Sign up here

We respect your time, therefore in our WhatsApp groups only Admin can share the information, and if you have any questions or doubts you can contact us personally, not to bother the group with too many messages. It is also easy to, at any point, leave the group – no hurt feelings.

About the Facilitator

Ela Kolodziej, a qualified Mindfulness Instructor certified in Zen Coaching and in Rebirthing, is passionate about human potential.

After years of international career in business, she got interested in the area of profound personal development and holistic health.

Since 2012, she has completed various personal development and meditation courses, as well as coaching and therapies trainings in Sweden, Spain and India; and ever since is dedicated to share her knowledge, skills and experience for the well-being of people.

While working with individuals and groups, she has at her disposal a broad spectrum of tools she has learnt during the years of personal development courses and therapy trainings she has done and practiced in her own profound inner journey, as well as with her clients; among others:

  • Zen Coaching training (1 year), as well as Teacher’s Training (+1 year); in 2012-14, Sweden
  • Rebirthing and Breathwork training (1 year) and Assistance (+1 years); in 2021-23, Spain
  • Mindfulness Instructor training; in 2014, Sweden
  • Art of Living Meditation technique; in 2012, India
  • Vipassana 10 days silent Meditation Retreat, in 2014, Sweden
  • Various Massage courses, from 2021 onwards, Spain
  • Reiki – level 1 in 2023, Spain; and level 2 in 2024, Spain
  • Various trainings withing New Cranial System technique, learning to treat addictions, bodily pains and tensions, and emotional unrest, supporting individual in coming back to our natural state of well-being; in 2023, Spain

She founded Inner Growth in Malmö, Sweden in 2013 and from 2021, after moving to her dreamed destination – Málaga in Spain, she is offering her services in this region, and online, bringing the benefits of mindfulness, zen coaching, breathwork and holistic well-being to individuals and groups – for a more balanced and fulfilling life.